
The family is where children first experience love, and the home is the first school of discipleship. Supported by Christian communities, families have an essential role in the faith formation of children. RCL Benziger provides resources that recognize the diverse needs of families and Catholic communities, and are adaptable to faith formation models based in homes, schools, or parishes.
When catechetical leaders asked for faith formation models that better engage families and support parents as the primary catechists of their children. We recognized the need for flexible and customizable resources that are simple, affordable, and effective.
Our Family Faith: Resource Guide for Family Catechesis: Provides catechetical leaders with the tools needed to engage entire families and is packed with practical suggestions!
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Family Life: The Family Life program offers a catechesis of hope for families who face the challenges of complex issues in contemporary life. Incorporating child safety within the context of family living, Family Life provides children and families with a wholesome formation in Catholic moral virtues. Parent Connection booklets for each grade level support the parents’ role as the first and primary educators of their children in faith and family life by providing moral catechesis related to age-appropriate lesson themes, background on children’s psycho-social and faith development, and practical strategies for communicating as a family.
Catholic Prayers and Practices is a handy, portable guide for learning, celebrating, or referencing prayers and practices of the Catholic faith. (Available in English, Spanish, French, and bilingually in Spanish and Polish.)
Our Family Gathers helps people of all ages grow in their awareness of the Church’s liturgical year and the Gospel for each year of the three-year Lectionary cycle through seasonal celebrations for the home or parish. Available for Years A (the Gospel of Matthew), B (the Gospel of Mark), and C (the Gospel of Luke). (Available in English only.)
The Bible for Little Ones assists parents in introducing the Bible to their little ones. Featuring forty-one Scripture stories specifically adapted for children ages 3-7, the beautiful illustrations and simple, step-by-step teaching process help children to understand and remember the Scripture stories so they may grow in their love of God and know that God loves them. Streaming access to twenty-one songs that correspond to the Scripture stories is included with purchase. Available in English and Spanish.
Our Family Prays is a collection of rituals, blessings, prayers, and traditions to encourage and inspire Catholic families to keep prayer at the heart of their homes. (Available in English and Spanish.)
Windows RabbitMq 环境搭建 新手入门教程_Bnana博客 ...:2021-6-14 · Windows RabbitMq 安装 使用教程简介消息中间件文章导读erlang 安装rabbit Mq 安装rabbit Mq 配置安装erlang 安装OTP 23.0 Windows 64位 下载地址下载完打开安装包 ——下一步安装rabbitMq 安装下一步安装查看 RabbitMq 是否安装成功环境变量 ... is an innovative Catholic catechetical program that leads children and families to grow in their conversion to Jesus Christ, develop habits of discipleship, decide each day to choose life in Christ, and live as active, committed members of the Catholic Church. The At Home Family Guide enables parents and families to teach or reinforce lessons. Each session provides a central scriptural focus, allowing families to reflect together even with children in multiple grade levels.
Family Resource: Each unit of Blest Are We Faith in Action focuses on a particular Catholic belief and practice. The unit focus is studied over four individual chapters that correspond to the four pillars of the Catechism: What Catholics Believe, How Catholics Worship, How Catholics Live, and How Catholics Pray. Children grow in the Catholic faith and are equipped to put that faith in action. The windows搭建ssr教程 booklets for each grade level provide a step-by-step process that guides parents in teaching the lessons at home.
Families: The Heart of the Matter magazine invites families to practice virtues at home. Every lesson has a corresponding virtue with practical suggestions for practicing that virtue in the home. Families can use the magazine alone or in conjunction with the Stories of God’s Love Kindergarten program. (Available in English only.)